【Yui Dry vs Wet】日本美女のスケスケびしょびしょHaulで英語を学ぶ

yui-dw-haul-title エロYouTubeで英語学習


Hello everyone,

This is Yui.
Today, we will dive into the world of fashion by examining the wet and dry of this outfit.

Let’s start by checking out this dry condition garment.
This lightweight transparent plaid shirt has a beautiful lightweight fabric, and the sizing and construction of the garment are very well suited to me.
The hood is also made in such a large size and is very fashionable, keeping with modern trends.
Please pay attention to the design, elasticity, and convenience of the clothing.

Now, let’s wet it.
The water was too cold, but this dress is made for summer specs, so I’m a little patient. LOL.
When wet, the fabric will softly cling to the skin. It softly and gently conforms to the skin like a meal.
Its appearance is as if it is wearing air.
This is what it looked like after I finished wetting it.
As I expected, the fabric is hooked to my body and has a beautiful shine to it. It cools my skin, which is burning from the summer heat, comfortably.

If you have an opinion on this video, please do not hesitate to comment because that opinion will surely be useful for future videos and the future evolution of this clothing.
Everyone, please click the like button and appreciate the greatness of this video.
Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel to watch more videos.








Hello everyone,

  • 単語: hello (こんにちは), everyone (みなさん)

This is Yui. Today, we will dive into the world of fashion by examining the wet and dry of this outfit.

  • 単語: dive (飛び込む), world (世界), fashion (ファッション), examining (調べる), wet (濡れた), dry (乾いた), outfit (衣装)
  • 句動詞: dive into (~に飛び込む、深く探求する)
  • 慣用句: the world of (~の世界)

Let’s start by checking out this dry condition garment. This lightweight transparent plaid shirt has a beautiful lightweight fabric, and the sizing and construction of the garment are very well suited to me.

  • 単語: start (始める), checking out (チェックする), dry (乾いた), condition (状態), garment (衣類), lightweight (軽量の), transparent (透明な), plaid (チェック柄の), shirt (シャツ), fabric (生地), sizing (サイズ), construction (作り), suited (合っている)
  • 句動詞: check out (調べる、見る)
  • 慣用句: very well suited to me (私に非常によく合っている)

The hood is also made in such a large size and is very fashionable, keeping with modern trends. Please pay attention to the design, elasticity, and convenience of the clothing.

  • 単語: hood (フード), large size (大きなサイズ), fashionable (おしゃれな), keeping with (~に沿っている), modern trends (現代のトレンド), design (デザイン), elasticity (伸縮性), convenience (利便性), clothing (服)
  • 慣用句: keeping with modern trends (現代のトレンドに沿っている), pay attention to (~に注意を払う)

Now, let’s wet it. The water was too cold, but this dress is made for summer specs, so I’m a little patient. LOL.

  • 単語: wet (濡らす), water (水), cold (冷たい), dress (ドレス), made for (~のために作られた), summer specs (夏仕様), patient (我慢する), LOL (笑い声)
  • 句動詞: wet (濡らす)
  • 慣用句: made for summer specs (夏仕様のために作られた), LOL (笑、笑い声)

When wet, the fabric will softly cling to the skin. It softly and gently conforms to the skin like a meal.

  • 単語: wet (濡れた), fabric (生地), softly (柔らかく), cling to (くっつく), skin (肌), gently (優しく), conforms (フィットする), like (~のように), meal (食事)
  • 句動詞: cling to (~にくっつく)
  • 慣用句: conforms to the skin (肌にフィットする), like a meal (食事のように)

Its appearance is as if it is wearing air. This is what it looked like after I finished wetting it.

  • 単語: appearance (見た目), as if (まるで~のように), wearing (着ている), air (空気), looked like (~のように見えた), finished (終えた)
  • 慣用句: as if it is wearing air (まるで空気を着ているように)

As I expected, the fabric is hooked to my body and has a beautiful shine to it. It cools my skin, which is burning from the summer heat, comfortably.

  • 単語: expected (予想した), hooked (くっつく), body (体), beautiful (美しい), shine (輝き), cools (冷やす), burning (燃えている), summer heat (夏の暑さ), comfortably (快適に)
  • 慣用句: as I expected (予想した通り), hooked to my body (体にくっつく), burning from the summer heat (夏の暑さで燃えている)

If you have an opinion on this video, please do not hesitate to comment because that opinion will surely be useful for future videos and the future evolution of this clothing.

  • 単語: opinion (意見), video (ビデオ), hesitate (ためらう), comment (コメントする), surely (確かに), useful (役に立つ), future (将来の), evolution (進化), clothing (服)
  • 句動詞: comment on (~についてコメントする)
  • 慣用句: do not hesitate to (ためらわずに), be useful for (~に役立つ)

Everyone, please click the like button and appreciate the greatness of this video. Don’t forget to subscribe to our channel to watch more videos.

  • 単語: click (クリックする), like button (いいねボタン), appreciate (評価する), greatness (素晴らしさ), forget (忘れる), subscribe (登録する), channel (チャンネル), watch (見る)
  • 句動詞: click on (クリックする), subscribe to (~に登録する)
  • 慣用句: don’t forget to (忘れずに), subscribe to our channel (チャンネル登録する)

