
Kate-long-skirt-title エロYouTubeで英語学習
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    1. Hi, I’m Mia.
    2. Today, I’m going to show you a very beautiful evening gown.
    3. You should definitely subscribe to my channel and give me a like.
    4. A long, translucent pink dress is a gorgeous and sophisticated closet item that can make any woman the center of attention at any event.
    5. Let’s take a look at its main features and details.
    6. Material and Texture
    7. Materials: Usually, these dresses are made of light and airy materials such as chiffon, tulle, organza, or lace.
    8. These fabrics give the dress a light and elegant feel.
    9. The translucent material creates an effect of mystery and tenderness, which makes the image more romantic and feminine.
    10. Texture: The dress can have a smooth or textured surface, sometimes embellished with embroidery or sequins, adding extra sparkle and sophistication.
    11. Design and Style
    12. Cut: Long, semi-transparent dresses often have an A-line silhouette or loose fit that emphasizes the femininity and sophistication of the figure.
    13. The upper part of the dress can be made in the form of a corset bodice with thin straps or with open shoulders, which adds romanticism to the image.
    14. Details: The dress can have various decorative elements such as ruffles, lace inserts, or appliques.
    15. These details give the dress a special charm and make it unique.
    16. Often, such dresses are equipped with a lining, which provides comfort and hides intimate parts of the body while maintaining the translucency of the fabric.
    17. Thank you for watching! Write a comment about this dress. See you soon!


Hi, I’m Mia. Today, I’m going to show you a very beautiful evening gown.
You should definitely subscribe to my channel and give me a like.

A long, translucent pink dress is a gorgeous and sophisticated closet item that can make any woman the center of attention at any event.
Let’s take a look at its main features and details.

Material and Texture

Usually, these dresses are made of light and airy materials such as chiffon, tulle, organza, or lace.
These fabrics give the dress a light and elegant feel.
The translucent material creates an effect of mystery and tenderness, which makes the image more romantic and feminine.

The dress can have a smooth or textured surface, sometimes embellished with embroidery or sequins, adding extra sparkle and sophistication.

Design and Style

Cut: Long, semi-transparent dresses often have an A-line silhouette or loose fit that emphasizes the femininity and sophistication of the figure.
The upper part of the dress can be made in the form of a corset bodice with thin straps or with open shoulders, which adds romanticism to the image.

The dress can have various decorative elements such as ruffles, lace inserts, or appliques.
These details give the dress a special charm and make it unique.
Often, such dresses are equipped with a lining, which provides comfort and hides intimate parts of the body while maintaining the translucency of the fabric.

Thank you for watching!
Write a comment about this dress.
See you soon!












Hi, I’m Mia.

  • 単語:
    • Hi: こんにちは
    • I’m: 私は〜です(I amの短縮形)
    • Mia: ミア(名前)

Today, I’m going to show you a very beautiful evening gown.

  • 単語:
    • Today: 今日
    • going to: 〜する予定
    • show: 見せる
    • you: あなたに
    • very: とても
    • beautiful: 美しい
    • evening gown: イブニングガウン
  • 句動詞:
    • going to: 〜する予定(未来の意図や計画)

You should definitely subscribe to my channel and give me a like.

  • 単語:
    • should: 〜すべき
    • definitely: 絶対に
    • subscribe: 購読する
    • channel: チャンネル
    • give: 与える
    • like: いいね
  • 慣用句:
    • subscribe to my channel: 私のチャンネルを購読する
    • give me a like: いいねをする

A long, translucent pink dress is a gorgeous and sophisticated closet item that can make any woman the center of attention at any event.

  • 単語:
    • long: 長い
    • translucent: 透け感のある
    • pink: ピンク
    • dress: ドレス
    • gorgeous: ゴージャス
    • sophisticated: 洗練された
    • closet item: クローゼットアイテム
    • make: 〜にする
    • any: どんな
    • woman: 女性
    • center of attention: 注目の的
    • event: イベント
  • 慣用句:
    • center of attention: 注目の的

Let’s take a look at its main features and details.

  • 単語:
    • let’s: 〜しましょう
    • take a look: 見てみる
    • main: 主な
    • features: 特徴
    • details: 詳細
  • 句動詞:
    • take a look at: 〜を見てみる

Material and Texture

Materials: Usually, these dresses are made of light and airy materials such as chiffon, tulle, organza, or lace.

  • 単語:
    • materials: 素材
    • usually: 通常
    • these: これらの
    • dresses: ドレス
    • made of: 〜で作られた
    • light: 軽い
    • airy: 空気のような
    • chiffon: シフォン
    • tulle: チュール
    • organza: オーガンザ
    • lace: レース
  • 句動詞:
    • made of: 〜で作られた

These fabrics give the dress a light and elegant feel.

  • 単語:
    • fabrics: 生地
    • give: 与える
    • feel: 感じ
    • light: 軽い
    • elegant: 優雅な
  • 慣用句:
    • give a feel: 感じを与える

The translucent material creates an effect of mystery and tenderness, which makes the image more romantic and feminine.

  • 単語:
    • translucent: 透け感のある
    • material: 素材
    • creates: 作り出す
    • effect: 効果
    • mystery: 神秘
    • tenderness: 優しさ
    • image: イメージ
    • romantic: ロマンチック
    • feminine: 女性らしい

Texture: The dress can have a smooth or textured surface, sometimes embellished with embroidery or sequins, adding extra sparkle and sophistication.

  • 単語:
    • texture: 質感
    • smooth: 滑らかな
    • textured: テクスチャード
    • surface: 表面
    • sometimes: 時々
    • embellished: 装飾された
    • embroidery: 刺繍
    • sequins: スパンコール
    • adding: 追加する
    • extra: 追加の
    • sparkle: 輝き
    • sophistication: 洗練

Design and Style

Cut: Long, semi-transparent dresses often have an A-line silhouette or loose fit that emphasizes the femininity and sophistication of the figure.

  • 単語:
    • cut: カット
    • long: 長い
    • semi-transparent: 半透明の
    • A-line silhouette: Aラインシルエット
    • loose fit: ゆったりとしたフィット
    • emphasizes: 強調する
    • femininity: 女性らしさ
    • sophistication: 洗練
    • figure: 体型

The upper part of the dress can be made in the form of a corset bodice with thin straps or with open shoulders, which adds romanticism to the image.

  • 単語:
    • upper part: 上部
    • form: 形
    • corset bodice: コルセットボディス
    • thin straps: 細いストラップ
    • open shoulders: オープンショルダー
    • adds: 追加する
    • romanticism: ロマンチシズム
    • image: イメージ

Details: The dress can have various decorative elements such as ruffles, lace inserts, or appliques.

  • 単語:
    • details: 詳細
    • various: さまざまな
    • decorative elements: 装飾要素
    • ruffles: フリル
    • lace inserts: レースインサート
    • appliques: アプリケーション

These details give the dress a special charm and make it unique.

  • 単語:
    • details: 詳細
    • give: 与える
    • special charm: 特別な魅力
    • make: 〜にする
    • unique: ユニーク

Often, such dresses are equipped with a lining, which provides comfort and hides intimate parts of the body while maintaining the translucency of the fabric.

  • 単語:
    • often: しばしば
    • equipped with: 装備された
    • lining: 裏地
    • provides: 提供する
    • comfort: 快適さ
    • hides: 隠す
    • intimate parts: 親密な部分
    • maintaining: 維持する
    • translucency: 透け感
    • fabric: 生地

Thank you for watching! Write a comment about this dress. See you soon!

  • 単語:
    • thank you: ありがとう
    • watching: 見ること
    • write: 書く
    • comment: コメント
    • about: 〜について
    • dress: ドレス
    • see you soon: またすぐに会いましょう
  • 慣用句:
    • thank you for watching: ご視聴ありがとうございます
    • write a comment: コメントを書く
    • see you soon: またすぐに会いましょう

