【Freya Dry vs Wet】濡れる前から爆乳丸見えHaluから英語を学ぶ

freya-dw-haul-title エロYouTubeで英語学習


I hope you are having a fabulous day today.
Today, I am so excited to share with you the stunning combination of a white shirt, tank top, and black short shorts.
Let’s dive into all the gorgeous details.

Today’s look combines elegance and comfort.
The white transparent T-shirt with floral lace looks incredibly delicate and feminine.
The black short shorts emphasize the figure and add style.
This outfit is perfect for hot days, making you feel confident and comfortable.

The T-shirt can be worn in two ways: over the shorts or tucked into the shorts.
I personally like the second option as it emphasizes my figure better.

And here’s the secret to this look: complete transformation after a little soaking.
My outfit, already beautiful when dry, becomes even more chic when dipped in water.
The fabric of the tank top takes on a new texture, and the lace blossoms as if brought to life by water.

And what’s most amazing is that once it dries, it remains in perfect condition.
This is the perfect proof that fashion can be not only beautiful but also practical.

What are your favorite tricks for updating your look? Thank you so much for watching.
I hope you love this look as much as I do.
Can’t wait to see you in the next video for more fabulous fashion tips.

Stay stylish and take care!











Hi lovelies,

  • 単語: hi (こんにちは), lovelies (みなさん、愛しい人たち)

I hope you are having a fabulous day today. Today, I am so excited to share with you the stunning combination of a white shirt, tank top, and black short shorts. Let’s dive into all the gorgeous details.

  • 単語: hope (望む), fabulous (素晴らしい), excited (興奮している), share (共有する), stunning (素晴らしい), combination (組み合わせ), white (白い), shirt (シャツ), tank top (タンクトップ), black (黒い), short shorts (ショートパンツ), dive (飛び込む), gorgeous (素晴らしい), details (詳細)
  • 句動詞: dive into (~に飛び込む、深く探求する)
  • 慣用句: have a fabulous day (素晴らしい一日を過ごす), dive into (~に飛び込む)

Today’s look combines elegance and comfort. The white transparent T-shirt with floral lace looks incredibly delicate and feminine. The black short shorts emphasize the figure and add style. This outfit is perfect for hot days, making you feel confident and comfortable.

  • 単語: combine (組み合わせる), elegance (優雅さ), comfort (快適さ), transparent (透け感のある), floral (花柄の), lace (レース), incredibly (非常に), delicate (繊細な), feminine (女性らしい), emphasize (強調する), figure (体のライン), add (加える), style (スタイル), outfit (服装), perfect (完璧な), hot days (暑い日), confident (自信のある), comfortable (快適な)
  • 句動詞: add to (~を増す)
  • 慣用句: today’s look (今日のコーディネート), perfect for hot days (暑い日にぴったり)

The T-shirt can be worn in two ways: over the shorts or tucked into the shorts. I personally like the second option as it emphasizes my figure better.

  • 単語: T-shirt (Tシャツ), wear (着る), ways (方法), over (上に), tuck into (入れる), personally (個人的に), option (選択肢), emphasizes (強調する), better (より良い)
  • 句動詞: tuck into (~に入れる)
  • 慣用句: in two ways (二通りの方法で)

And here’s the secret to this look: complete transformation after a little soaking. My outfit, already beautiful when dry, becomes even more chic when dipped in water. The fabric of the tank top takes on a new texture, and the lace blossoms as if brought to life by water.

  • 単語: secret (秘密), look (外見、ルック), complete (完全な), transformation (変身), soaking (浸すこと), outfit (服装), beautiful (美しい), dry (乾いた), chic (シックな), dipped (浸す), water (水), fabric (生地), tank top (タンクトップ), texture (質感), lace (レース), blossoms (咲く), brought to life (生き返る)
  • 句動詞: take on (~を帯びる), dip in (浸す)
  • 慣用句: bring to life (生き返らせる)

And what’s most amazing is that once it dries, it remains in perfect condition. This is the perfect proof that fashion can be not only beautiful but also practical.

  • 単語: amazing (驚くべき), dry (乾く), remain (残る), perfect (完璧な), condition (状態), proof (証拠), fashion (ファッション), beautiful (美しい), practical (実用的な)
  • 句動詞: dry out (乾燥する)
  • 慣用句: remain in perfect condition (完璧な状態で残る), proof that (~の証拠)

What are your favorite tricks for updating your look? Thank you so much for watching. I hope you love this look as much as I do. Can’t wait to see you in the next video for more fabulous fashion tips.

  • 単語: favorite (お気に入りの), tricks (コツ), updating (更新する), look (見た目), thank you (ありがとう), watching (見ること), love (愛する、気に入る), can’t wait (待ちきれない), next (次の), video (ビデオ), fabulous (素晴らしい), fashion tips (ファッションのヒント)
  • 句動詞: look for (探す), wait for (待つ)
  • 慣用句: thank you so much (本当にありがとう), can’t wait to see (見るのが待ちきれない)

Stay stylish and take care!

  • 単語: stay (~のままでいる), stylish (おしゃれな), take care (気をつける)
  • 慣用句: take care (気をつける)

