
eva-LongSleeve-title エロYouTubeで英語学習


Hi there, welcome to my channel!
This is Eva. I’m so glad that you’re here.
You’re back for another dry versus sweatshirt review.

As you can see, I’m already in my white top, and it’s got these beautiful sparkled polka dots all through it, which I absolutely love.
I’ve tied it up here just because I love the way a crop top looks on me.
It’s a long sleeve as well, so I do want to see how it fares in the water.
So we’re going to test that out now.

It’s cold! Okay, I am soaked, as you can see.
The water has pretty much just gone straight through it.
I think because it is that meshy material, the water’s either just fallen straight off or gone straight through it.
So it’s not any heavier and hasn’t really absorbed it, but it is a little bit cold.
But yeah, I love the way it looks.
I would still give it a big thumbs up and a 10 out of 10.

Thank you so much for watching my video!
I’ve got plenty more of these, so you can just follow the links and find my socials in the comments or down below if you want to see more of my life.
I’ll see you next time.
Thanks for watching!







Hi there, welcome to my channel! This is Eva.

  • 単語
    • Hi there: こんにちは(カジュアルな挨拶)
    • welcome: ようこそ
    • channel: チャンネル
    • This is Eva: エヴァです

I’m so glad that you’re here.

  • 単語
    • I’m so glad: 嬉しい
    • that you’re here: あなたがここにいることが

You’re back for another dry versus sweatshirt review.

  • 単語
    • You’re back: あなたは戻ってきた
    • another: 別の
    • dry: 乾いた
    • versus: 対
    • sweatshirt: スウェットシャツ
    • review: レビュー

As you can see, I’m already in my white top, and it’s got these beautiful sparkled polka dots all through it, which I absolutely love.

  • 単語
    • As you can see: ご覧の通り
    • already: 既に
    • white top: 白いトップス
    • it’s got: ~が付いている
    • beautiful: 美しい
    • sparkled: キラキラした
    • polka dots: 水玉模様
    • all through it: 全体に
    • absolutely: 完全に
    • love: 大好き

I’ve tied it up here just because I love the way a crop top looks on me.

  • 単語
    • I’ve tied it up: 結んでいる
    • just because: 単に~だから
    • crop top: クロップトップ(へそ出しの短いトップス)
    • looks on me: 私に似合う

It’s a long sleeve as well, so I do want to see how it fares in the water.

  • 単語
    • long sleeve: 長袖
    • as well: 同様に
    • do want to see: 本当に見たい
    • how it fares: どのように機能するか
    • in the water: 水中で

So we’re going to test that out now.

  • 単語
    • going to: ~するつもり
    • test that out: 試す
    • now: 今

It’s cold! Okay, I am soaked, as you can see.

  • 単語
    • cold: 冷たい
    • soaked: びしょ濡れ
    • as you can see: ご覧の通り

The water has pretty much just gone straight through it.

  • 単語
    • pretty much: ほぼ
    • just: ちょうど
    • gone straight through: まっすぐに通過した

I think because it is that meshy material, the water’s either just fallen straight off or gone straight through it.

  • 単語
    • I think: 私は思う
    • because: ~だから
    • meshy material: メッシュ素材
    • either: どちらか
    • just fallen straight off: まっすぐに落ちた
    • gone straight through: まっすぐに通過した

So it’s not any heavier and hasn’t really absorbed it, but it is a little bit cold.

  • 単語
    • heavier: 重い
    • hasn’t really absorbed: 実際には吸収していない
    • a little bit: 少し
    • cold: 冷たい

But yeah, I love the way it looks. I would still give it a big thumbs up and a 10 out of 10.

  • 単語
    • But yeah: でもそうですね
    • I love the way: ~の様子が好き
    • I would still: それでも
    • give it a big thumbs up: それに大きな賛成を与える(親指を立てる)
    • 10 out of 10: 満点(10点中10点)

Thank you so much for watching my video!

  • 単語
    • Thank you so much: 本当にありがとう
    • watching: 見ること
    • video: 動画

I’ve got plenty more of these, so you can just follow the links and find my socials in the comments or down below if you want to see more of my life.

  • 単語
    • I’ve got: 私は持っている
    • plenty more: もっとたくさん
    • follow the links: リンクを辿る
    • find: 見つける
    • socials: ソーシャルメディア
    • comments: コメント
    • down below: 下に
    • want to see: 見たい

I’ll see you next time. Thanks for watching!

  • 単語
    • I’ll see you: 会いましょう
    • next time: 次回
    • Thanks for watching: 見てくれてありがとう

