
Ellie-Hth-title エロYouTubeで英語学習
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    1. Hello, my beloved followers. Lady Ellie is here, and today we’ve got a truly mesmerizing episode.
    2. We’re diving into the breeziest, most ethereal outfits that’ll boost your confidence and style game.
    3. So, shall we start? Well, this is my new favorite find: black transparent. This black bodysuit is so adorable with its lightness and elegance.
    4. Those long sleeves, fluttering like butterfly wings, add a playful touch to the whole vibe.
    5. And how about this fantastic flapped v-neck with a tie-up detail? Total swoon-worthy!
    6. The fabric is so lightweight and soft against the skin, and this micro mesh detail makes it just transparent enough to make you the center of attention at any event.
    7. It is the perfect choice for both everyday wear and special occasions.
    8. And check out those wavy ruffles! Wow, they make this long sleeve even more appealing and refined.
    9. I really love this draping detail along the inside seams. It gives that stylish point a complete design satisfaction.
    10. I felt so free, so comfortable in this bodysuit, that it became my closest companion throughout the day.
    11. The soft shades and the fabric’s elasticity give the notes of beauty, delicacy, and elegance, accentuating my femininity and adding a special grace to my look.
    12. This long sleeve is made of a fine mesh that lets your skin breathe while giving your look a delicate and airy charm.
    13. Designed, this bodysuit brings a playful and sultry vibe, making the outfit all the more tempting and refined.
    14. Take a look at this! Such a durable material.


Hello, my beloved followers.
Lady Ellie is here, and today we’ve got a truly mesmerizing episode.

We’re diving into the breeziest, most ethereal outfits that’ll boost your confidence and style game.

So, shall we start?
Well, this is my new favorite find: black transparent.
This black bodysuit is so adorable with its lightness and elegance.

Those long sleeves, fluttering like butterfly wings, add a playful touch to the whole vibe.

And how about this fantastic flapped v-neck with a tie-up detail?
Total swoon-worthy!

The fabric is so lightweight and soft against the skin, and this micro mesh detail makes it just transparent enough to make you the center of attention at any event.

It is the perfect choice for both everyday wear and special occasions.

And check out those wavy ruffles! Wow, they make this long sleeve even more appealing and refined.

I really love this draping detail along the inside seams.
It gives that stylish point a complete design satisfaction.

I felt so free, so comfortable in this bodysuit, that it became my closest companion throughout the day.

The soft shades and the fabric’s elasticity give the notes of beauty, delicacy, and elegance, accentuating my femininity and adding a special grace to my look.

This long sleeve is made of a fine mesh that lets your skin breathe while giving your look a delicate and airy charm.

Designed, this bodysuit brings a playful and sultry vibe, making the outfit all the more tempting and refined.

Take a look at this! Such a durable material.

This long sleeve is also crafted from gathered fabric with pinches; it creates a whirlwind effect of style, as if every move becomes magical.

The orange makes me feel irresistible and confident.
Like it so much?

Well, my dear and beloved viewers, it’s time to leave your comments under the video and express your opinion on what you like the most.

Don’t forget to subscribe, and see you in the next review!





















Hello, my beloved followers. Lady Ellie is here, and today we’ve got a truly mesmerizing episode.


  • beloved: 愛されている
  • followers: フォロワー
  • mesmerizing: 魅惑的な
  • episode: エピソード

解説: 「beloved followers(愛されているフォロワーの皆さん)」と親しみを込めて呼びかけています。「mesmerizing episode(魅惑的なエピソード)」は、視聴者の関心を引くための表現です。

We’re diving into the breeziest, most ethereal outfits that’ll boost your confidence and style game.


  • diving into: ~に飛び込む
  • breeziest: 風通しの良い
  • ethereal: 軽やかで優美な
  • outfits: 衣装
  • boost: 高める
  • confidence: 自信
  • style game: スタイルのレベル


  • diving into: (ここでは)深く探求する

解説: 「We’re diving into」は「私たちは~に飛び込む」という意味で、今回は「breeziest, most ethereal outfits(最も風通しの良い、軽やかで優美な衣装)」を深く探求するという内容です。「boost your confidence and style game」は、自信とスタイルのレベルを高めるという意味です。

So, shall we start? Well, this is my new favorite find: black transparent. This black bodysuit is so adorable with its lightness and elegance.


  • shall: ~しよう
  • start: 始める
  • favorite: お気に入り
  • find: 見つけたもの
  • black transparent: 黒の透ける素材
  • bodysuit: ボディースーツ
  • adorable: 可愛らしい
  • lightness: 軽さ
  • elegance: 優雅さ

解説: 視聴者に「始めましょうか?」と問いかけ、「this is my new favorite find: black transparent(これは私の新しいお気に入り、黒の透ける素材)」を紹介しています。「adorable(可愛らしい)」と「lightness and elegance(軽さと優雅さ)」でボディースーツの特徴を説明しています。

Those long sleeves, fluttering like butterfly wings, add a playful touch to the whole vibe.


  • long sleeves: 長袖
  • fluttering: ひらひらと揺れる
  • butterfly wings: 蝶の羽
  • playful touch: 遊び心
  • whole vibe: 全体の雰囲気

解説: 「long sleeves(長袖)」が「fluttering like butterfly wings(蝶の羽のようにひらひらと揺れ)」と、衣装に「playful touch(遊び心)」を加えていると説明しています。「whole vibe」は「全体の雰囲気」という意味です。

And how about this fantastic flapped v-neck with a tie-up detail? Total swoon-worthy!


  • fantastic: 素晴らしい
  • flapped: フラップのついた
  • v-neck: Vネック
  • tie-up detail: 結び目のディテール
  • swoon-worthy: 心を奪うような

解説: 「flapped v-neck with a tie-up detail(フラップ付きのVネックと結び目のディテール)」を称賛し、「swoon-worthy(心を奪うような)」とその素晴らしさを強調しています。

The fabric is so lightweight and soft against the skin, and this micro mesh detail makes it just transparent enough to make you the center of attention at any event.


  • fabric: 生地
  • lightweight: 軽量
  • soft: 柔らかい
  • skin: 肌
  • micro mesh detail: マイクロメッシュのディテール
  • transparent: 透明な
  • center of attention: 注目の的
  • event: イベント

解説: 生地が「lightweight(軽量)」で「soft against the skin(肌に柔らかい)」と説明し、「micro mesh detail(マイクロメッシュのディテール)」が「transparent enough(ちょうどよい透明感)」で、どのイベントでも「center of attention(注目の的)」になると述べています。

It is the perfect choice for both everyday wear and special occasions.


  • perfect choice: 完璧な選択
  • everyday wear: 日常の着用
  • special occasions: 特別な機会

解説: このボディースーツが「everyday wear(日常の着用)」と「special occasions(特別な機会)」の両方に「perfect choice(完璧な選択)」であると述べています。

And check out those wavy ruffles! Wow, they make this long sleeve even more appealing and refined.


  • wavy: 波状の
  • ruffles: フリル
  • appealing: 魅力的な
  • refined: 洗練された

解説: 「wavy ruffles(波状のフリル)」に注目を促し、「appealing and refined(魅力的で洗練された)」とその魅力を強調しています。

I really love this draping detail along the inside seams. It gives that stylish point a complete design satisfaction.


  • draping detail: ドレープのディテール
  • inside seams: 内側の縫い目
  • stylish: スタイリッシュな
  • point: ポイント
  • complete design satisfaction: 完全なデザインの満足感

解説: 「draping detail along the inside seams(内側の縫い目に沿ったドレープのディテール)」が「stylish point(スタイリッシュなポイント)」に「complete design satisfaction(完全なデザインの満足感)」を与えると説明しています。

I felt so free, so comfortable in this bodysuit, that it became my closest companion throughout the day.


  • free: 自由な
  • comfortable: 快適な
  • closest companion: 最も近しい仲間
  • throughout the day: 一日中

解説: このボディースーツを着て「free(自由)」で「comfortable(快適)」だと感じ、「closest companion throughout the day(一日中最も近しい仲間)」になったと述べています。

The soft shades and the fabric’s elasticity give the notes of beauty, delicacy, and elegance, accentuating my femininity and adding a special grace to my look.


  • soft shades: 柔らかな色合い
  • elasticity: 弾力性
  • notes of beauty: 美しさの要素
  • delicacy: 繊細さ
  • elegance: 優雅さ
  • accentuating: 強調する
  • femininity: 女性らしさ
  • grace: 優雅さ
  • look: 見た目

解説: 「soft shades(柔らかな色合い)」と「fabric’s elasticity(生地の弾力性)」が「beauty, delicacy, and elegance(美しさ、繊細さ、優雅さ)」の要素を与え、「accentuating my femininity(女性らしさを強調し)」と「adding a special grace to my look(見た目に特別な優雅さを加える)」と説明しています。

This long sleeve is made of a fine mesh that lets your skin breathe while giving your look a delicate and airy charm.


  • long sleeve: 長袖
  • fine mesh: 細かいメッシュ
  • breathe: 呼吸する
  • delicate: 繊細な
  • airy charm: 軽やかな魅力

解説: この長袖は「fine mesh(細かいメッシュ)」で作られており、「lets your skin breathe(肌を呼吸させる)」と「giving your look a delicate and airy charm(見た目に繊細で軽やかな魅力を与える)」と説明しています。

Designed, this bodysuit brings a playful and sultry vibe, making the outfit all the more tempting and refined.


  • playful: 遊び心のある
  • sultry: 官能的な
  • vibe: 雰囲気
  • tempting: 誘惑的な
  • refined: 洗練された

解説: このボディースーツは「playful and sultry vibe(遊び心と官能的な雰囲気)」をもたらし、「making the outfit all the more tempting and refined(衣装をさらに誘惑的で洗練されたものにする)」と述べています。

Take a look at this! Such a durable material.


  • durable: 耐久性のある
  • material

