
Naomi-TRANSPARENT-B-title エロYouTubeで英語学習


Hey fashionistas, welcome back to my channel.
Today, we’re diving into the world of lingerie with this fabulous transparent baby blue ensemble.
Now, before you gasp in shock or clutch your pearls, let me assure you, this is all about fashion education.
So, let’s get into it.

First, we have this sheer mesh top.
Isn’t it just the cutest? It’s got this delicate, almost ethereal quality to it, like something an angel would wear if angels were into avant-garde fashion.
The fabric is so sheer that it feels like I’m wrapped in a ghost’s gentle caress—spooky, right?
It’s perfect for those nights when you want to feel like a sexy apparition haunting your own bedroom.
The material is unbelievably soft. Seriously, it’s like a kitten decided to become fabric.
I could lounge in this all day if I didn’t have to worry about scaring the delivery guy.
It’s that comfortable.
Plus, the baby blue color is just divine.
It’s light and airy, making me feel like I’m floating on a cloud—a very revealing cloud.

Moving on to the thong.
Ah, the thong, the pièce de résistance.
It’s made from the same soft sheer mesh, so it’s like the matching bottom to my ghostly top.
This thing is almost invisible, like a ninja of undergarments.
You think it’s not there, but trust me, it’s doing its job.
It’s got that perfect balance of barely-there coverage and flattering fit, designed to make your assets look like a million bucks—or at least a million ghost bucks.

What I love about this ensemble is how it combines seduction with a sense of playful mystery.
The sheerness gives just enough tease without giving everything away.
It’s like playing peekaboo with a really stylish poltergeist.
And let’s be honest, who doesn’t want to feel like a fashionable ghost every now and then?

In terms of practicality, you might be wondering, “Is this really something I can wear?”
Well, it depends.
Do you enjoy feeling like a super soft, sexy phantom?
Do you like the idea of your significant other doing a double take and thinking, “Am I being haunted by a lingerie model?”
If so, then yes, this is definitely something you can wear.

So there you have it, folks—a transparent baby blue lingerie ensemble that’s soft, sheer, and spooky stylish.
Perfect for those nights when you want to feel otherworldly or just really, really fabulous.
Please like, subscribe, and hit that notification bell so you don’t miss out on more fashion haunts.
Until next time, stay transparent, my friends.









Hey fashionistas, welcome back to my channel.

  • 単語
    • Hey: こんにちは(カジュアルな挨拶)
    • fashionistas: ファッション愛好家
    • welcome: ようこそ
    • back: 戻る
    • channel: チャンネル

Today, we’re diving into the world of lingerie with this fabulous transparent baby blue ensemble.

  • 単語
    • Today: 今日
    • diving: 飛び込む、深く探求する
    • world: 世界
    • lingerie: ランジェリー、女性用下着
    • fabulous: 素晴らしい
    • transparent: 透明な
    • baby blue: ベビーブルー(淡い青色)
    • ensemble: 衣装のセット
  • 句動詞
    • diving into: 深く探求する

Now, before you gasp in shock or clutch your pearls, let me assure you, this is all about fashion education.

  • 単語
    • gasp: 息をのむ
    • shock: ショック
    • clutch: つかむ、握る
    • pearls: 真珠(複数形)
    • assure: 確信させる
    • fashion: ファッション
    • education: 教育
  • 句動詞
    • clutch your pearls: (慣用句)驚いたり恐れたりする
  • 慣用句
    • gasp in shock: 驚いて息をのむ
    • clutch your pearls: 驚きや恐怖で真珠のネックレスをつかむ(比喩的表現)

So, let’s get into it.

  • 単語
    • So: それでは
    • get into: 始める、深く入る

First, we have this sheer mesh top. Isn’t it just the cutest?

  • 単語
    • First: 最初に
    • sheer: 透ける
    • mesh: メッシュ、網目
    • top: トップ、上着
    • cutest: 最も可愛い
  • 句動詞
    • Isn’t it just the cutest?: すごく可愛くないですか?(肯定的な感嘆)

It’s got this delicate, almost ethereal quality to it, like something an angel would wear if angels were into avant-garde fashion.

  • 単語
    • delicate: 繊細な
    • ethereal: 非現実的な、空気のような
    • quality: 質、特質
    • angel: 天使
    • avant-garde: 前衛的な
  • 句動詞
    • It’s got: 持っている
    • into: 興味がある

The fabric is so sheer that it feels like I’m wrapped in a ghost’s gentle caress—spooky, right?

  • 単語
    • fabric: 生地
    • sheer: 透ける
    • wrapped: 包まれた
    • ghost: 幽霊
    • gentle: 優しい
    • caress: 愛撫
    • spooky: 不気味な
  • 句動詞
    • wrapped in: 包まれている
  • 慣用句
    • feels like: ~のように感じる

It’s perfect for those nights when you want to feel like a sexy apparition haunting your own bedroom.

  • 単語
    • perfect: 完璧な
    • nights: 夜
    • sexy: セクシーな
    • apparition: 幽霊、幻影
    • haunting: 取り憑く
    • bedroom: 寝室
  • 句動詞
    • want to feel like: ~のように感じたい
    • haunting your own bedroom: 自分の寝室に取り憑く

The material is unbelievably soft. Seriously, it’s like a kitten decided to become fabric.

  • 単語
    • material: 材料、生地
    • unbelievably: 信じられないほど
    • soft: 柔らかい
    • seriously: 本当に
    • kitten: 子猫
  • 慣用句
    • it’s like: まるで~のようだ

I could lounge in this all day if I didn’t have to worry about scaring the delivery guy.

  • 単語
    • lounge: くつろぐ
    • all day: 一日中
    • worry: 心配する
    • scaring: 驚かす
    • delivery guy: 配達員
  • 句動詞
    • could lounge in: くつろぐことができる
    • have to worry about: 心配しなければならない

It’s that comfortable. Plus, the baby blue color is just divine.

  • 単語
    • comfortable: 快適な
    • baby blue: ベビーブルー
    • divine: 神聖な、美しい

It’s light and airy, making me feel like I’m floating on a cloud—a very revealing cloud.

  • 単語
    • light: 軽い
    • airy: 空気のような
    • floating: 浮かんでいる
    • cloud: 雲
    • revealing: 露出度の高い
  • 句動詞
    • making me feel like: ~のように感じさせる

Moving on to the thong. Ah, the thong, the pièce de résistance.

  • 単語
    • Moving on: 移る
    • thong: 紐パンツ
    • pièce de résistance: 傑作、目玉(フランス語)

It’s made from the same soft sheer mesh, so it’s like the matching bottom to my ghostly top.

  • 単語
    • made from: ~から作られた
    • matching: マッチする
    • bottom: 下
    • ghostly: 幽霊のような
  • 句動詞
    • so it’s like: だから~のようだ

This thing is almost invisible, like a ninja of undergarments.

  • 単語
    • thing: 物
    • almost: ほとんど
    • invisible: 見えない
    • ninja: 忍者
    • undergarments: 下着
  • 慣用句
    • ninja of undergarments: 忍者のように見えない下着

You think it’s not there, but trust me, it’s doing its job.

  • 単語
    • trust: 信頼する
    • doing its job: 役割を果たしている

It’s got that perfect balance of barely-there coverage and flattering fit, designed to make your assets look like a million bucks—or at least a million ghost bucks.

  • 単語
    • balance: バランス
    • barely-there: ほとんど見えない
    • coverage: 覆うこと
    • flattering: 魅力的な
    • fit: フィット
    • designed: 設計された
    • assets: 資産(ここでは身体の魅力的な部分)
    • million bucks: 百万ドル(大金、比喩表現)
    • ghost bucks: 幽霊の百万ドル(ユーモア)
  • 句動詞
    • barely-there coverage: ほとんど見えないカバー
    • make your assets look: 魅力的に見せる

What I love about this ensemble is how it combines seduction with a sense of playful mystery.

  • 単語
    • love: 大好き
    • ensemble: 衣装のセット
    • combines: 組み合わせる
    • seduction: 誘惑
    • playful: 遊び心のある
    • mystery: 神秘

The sheerness gives just enough tease without giving everything away.

  • 単語
    • sheerness: 透ける性質
    • tease: じらすこと
    • everything away: 全てを見せる
  • 句動詞
    • giving everything away: 全てを見せる

It’s like playing peekaboo with a really stylish poltergeist.

  • 単語
    • playing: 遊ぶ
    • peekaboo: いないいないばあ
    • stylish: スタイリッシュな
    • poltergeist: ポルターガイスト(騒霊)
  • 句動詞
    • playing peekaboo: いないいないばあをする

And let’s be honest, who doesn’t want to feel like a fashionable ghost every now and then?

  • 単語
    • honest: 正直な
    • fashionable: ファッショナブルな
    • every now and then: 時々

In terms of practicality, you might be wondering, “Is this really something I can wear?”

  • 単語
    • terms: 条件
    • practicality: 実用性
    • wondering: 不思議に思う
    • really: 本当に
    • something: 何か
    • wear: 着る

Well, it depends. Do you enjoy feeling like a super soft, sexy phantom?

  • 単語
    • depends: 依存する
    • enjoy: 楽しむ
    • super: とても
    • phantom: 幽霊

Do you like the idea of your significant other doing a double take and thinking, “Am I being haunted by a lingerie model?”

  • 単語
    • significant other: 大切な人
    • doing a double take: 二度見する
    • haunted: 取り憑かれる
    • lingerie model: ランジェリーモデル

If so, then yes, this is definitely something you can wear.

  • 単語
    • definitely: 絶対に

So there you have it, folks—a transparent baby blue lingerie ensemble that’s soft, sheer, and spooky stylish.

  • 単語
    • folks: みなさん(カジュアルな呼びかけ)
    • transparent: 透明な
    • lingerie: ランジェリー
    • soft: 柔らかい
    • sheer: 透ける
    • spooky: 不気味な
    • stylish: スタイリッシュな

Perfect for those nights when you want to feel otherworldly or just really, really fabulous.

  • 単語
    • perfect: 完璧な
    • nights: 夜
    • otherworldly: 異世界の
    • fabulous: 素晴らしい

Please like, subscribe, and hit that notification bell so you don’t miss out on more fashion haunts.

  • 単語
    • like: いいね
    • subscribe: チャンネル登録
    • notification bell: 通知ベル
    • miss out on: 見逃す
    • fashion haunts: ファッションの取り憑き(ユーモア)

Until next time, stay transparent, my friends.

  • 単語
    • Until next time: 次回まで
    • stay: 維持する
    • transparent: 透明な
    • friends: 友達

