
Janee-NOlingerie-title エロYouTubeで英語学習


Hey Beach and poolside babes!
Jenie here, dropping some serious summer swag with two L swimsuits:
one in black with white stripes, and the other one in neon pink.
Get ready to make waves and turn heads, from splishing to styling.

But before we dive into the deeds, do me a favor.
If you’re feeling this vibe, smash that subscribe button and join the squad.
And don’t forget to check out my other socials linked below for more L inspo.
Trust me, you won’t want to miss out on all the fun!

Now let’s talk about these bomb swimsuits.
Picture yourself rocking by the pool like a total beach boss.
It’s like wearing confidence on your part.
The black one with white stripes brings those classic vibes, while the neon pink one adds that pop of color and says, “But here’s where the real magic happens.”
These swimsuits aren’t just looking cute; they’re ready to slay at the beach and get you noticed from miles away.
Whether you’re catching waves or catching eyes, this baby is going to have you looking fly all summer long.

Now let’s talk details.
From the sleek design of the black swimsuit with white stripes to the bold hue of the neon pink one, every inch of these swimsuits is designed to make jaws drop.
They’re the kind of swimsuits that will have you feeling like a beach goddess, whether you’re lounging under the sun or strutting your stuff on the boardwalk.

But before we wrap things up, hit that subscribe button and stay tuned for more style tips and summer adventures.
Don’t miss out on all the excitement; we’re just getting started.
So if you’re ready to make a splash and unleash your inner beach babe, look no further than these two summer swimsuits:
the black one with white stripes and the neon pink one.
Trust me, they are the ultimate must-have for slaying those summer vibes.

Thanks for chilling with me, beach babes!
Catch you on the flip side, and stay fabulous!









Hey Beach and poolside babes! Jenie here, dropping some serious summer swag with two L swimsuits: one in black with white stripes, and the other one in neon pink.

  • 単語
    • Hey: こんにちは(カジュアルな挨拶)
    • Beach and poolside babes: ビーチやプールサイドの可愛い子たち
    • dropping: 紹介する、提供する
    • serious: 本格的な
    • summer swag: 夏のスタイル(かっこいいもの)
    • swimsuits: 水着
    • black: 黒
    • white stripes: 白いストライプ
    • neon pink: ネオンピンク
  • 句動詞
    • dropping some serious summer swag: かっこいい夏のスタイルを紹介する

Get ready to make waves and turn heads, from splishing to styling.

  • 単語
    • Get ready: 準備をする
    • make waves: 注目を集める
    • turn heads: 振り向かせる
    • splishing: 水しぶきをあげる
    • styling: スタイリング、見せびらかすこと
  • 慣用句
    • make waves: 注目を集める
    • turn heads: 振り向かせる

But before we dive into the deeds, do me a favor.

  • 単語
    • before: ~の前に
    • dive into: ~に飛び込む、詳しく見る
    • deeds: 詳細
    • do me a favor: お願いがあります
  • 句動詞
    • dive into: 詳しく見る

If you’re feeling this vibe, smash that subscribe button and join the squad.

  • 単語
    • feeling: 感じている
    • vibe: 雰囲気
    • smash: 押す(強調した表現)
    • subscribe button: 登録ボタン
    • join the squad: 仲間に加わる
  • 句動詞
    • smash that subscribe button: 登録ボタンを押す
  • 慣用句
    • join the squad: 仲間に加わる

And don’t forget to check out my other socials linked below for more L inspo. Trust me, you won’t want to miss out on all the fun!

  • 単語
    • don’t forget: 忘れないで
    • check out: 見てみる
    • other socials: 他のソーシャルメディア
    • linked below: 下にリンクされている
    • inspo: インスピレーション(inspirationの略)
    • Trust me: 信じて
    • miss out on: ~を逃す
    • fun: 楽しみ
  • 句動詞
    • check out: 見てみる
    • miss out on: ~を逃す

Now let’s talk about these bomb swimsuits.

  • 単語
    • bomb: 素晴らしい
    • swimsuits: 水着

Picture yourself rocking by the pool like a total beach boss.

  • 単語
    • Picture yourself: 自分を想像して
    • rocking: スタイルよく着こなす
    • by the pool: プールのそばで
    • beach boss: ビーチの達人
  • 句動詞
    • Picture yourself: 自分を想像して
    • rocking: スタイルよく着こなす

It’s like wearing confidence on your part.

  • 単語
    • wearing: 着る
    • confidence: 自信
    • on your part: 自分に関して

The black one with white stripes brings those classic vibes, while the neon pink one adds that pop of color and says, “But here’s where the real magic happens.”

  • 単語
    • brings: もたらす
    • classic vibes: クラシックな雰囲気
    • neon pink: ネオンピンク
    • adds: 追加する
    • pop of color: 色のアクセント
    • real magic happens: 本当の魔法が起こる

These swimsuits aren’t just looking cute; they’re ready to slay at the beach and get you noticed from miles away.

  • 単語
    • looking cute: 可愛く見える
    • ready to slay: 準備ができている
    • at the beach: ビーチで
    • get you noticed: 注目を浴びる
    • miles away: 遠くからでも
  • 句動詞
    • get you noticed: 注目を浴びる

Whether you’re catching waves or catching eyes, this baby is going to have you looking fly all summer long.

  • 単語
    • catching waves: 波に乗る
    • catching eyes: 注目を集める
    • this baby: これ(親しみを込めた表現)
    • looking fly: カッコよく見える
    • all summer long: 夏の間ずっと

Now let’s talk details.

  • 単語
    • details: 詳細

From the sleek design of the black swimsuit with white stripes to the bold hue of the neon pink one, every inch of these swimsuits is designed to make jaws drop.

  • 単語
    • sleek: 洗練された
    • design: デザイン
    • bold hue: 大胆な色合い
    • every inch: 隅々まで
    • make jaws drop: 驚かせる
  • 慣用句
    • make jaws drop: 驚かせる

They’re the kind of swimsuits that will have you feeling like a beach goddess, whether you’re lounging under the sun or strutting your stuff on the boardwalk.

  • 単語
    • kind of: ~の種類
    • feeling like: ~のように感じる
    • beach goddess: ビーチの女神
    • lounging: くつろぐ
    • under the sun: 日光の下で
    • strutting your stuff: 自慢げに歩く
    • boardwalk: ボードウォーク(海辺の遊歩道)
  • 慣用句
    • strutting your stuff: 自慢げに歩く

But before we wrap things up, hit that subscribe button and stay tuned for more style tips and summer adventures.

  • 単語
    • wrap things up: まとめる
    • hit that subscribe button: 登録ボタンを押す
    • stay tuned: お楽しみに
    • style tips: スタイルのヒント
    • summer adventures: 夏の冒険
  • 句動詞
    • wrap things up: まとめる
    • stay tuned: お楽しみに

Don’t miss out on all the excitement; we’re just getting started.

  • 単語
    • miss out on: ~を逃す
    • excitement: 興奮
    • just getting started: まだ始まったばかり
  • 句動詞
    • miss out on: ~を逃す

So if you’re ready to make a splash and unleash your inner beach babe, look no further than these two summer swimsuits: the black one with white stripes and the neon pink one.

  • 単語
    • make a splash: 大きな影響を与える
    • unleash: 解き放つ
    • inner: 内なる
    • beach babe: ビーチの美女
    • look no further than: ~に目を向ける
  • 慣用句
    • make a splash: 大きな影響を与える
    • look no further than: ~に目を向ける

Trust me, they are the ultimate must-have for slaying those summer vibes.

  • 単語
    • Trust me: 信じて
    • ultimate: 究極の
    • must-have: 必需品
    • slaying: カッコよく見せる
    • summer vibes: 夏の雰囲気

Thanks for chilling with me, beach babes! Catch you on the flip side, and stay fabulous!

  • 単語
    • chilling: リラックスする
    • Catch you on the flip side: またね
    • stay fabulous: 素晴らしいままでいて
  • 慣用句
    • Catch you on the flip side: またね

