
nina-mb-title エロYouTubeで英語学習
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      1. hello this is Nina and I’m so pleased to see you finally here again
      2. I am with good news this time
      3. I was raging from my classes and I found couple more bikinis that I bought really long time ago
      4. but I did not show them here so this is the perfect chance for for filming a new video I thought and I did it
      5. and let me warn you that it’s going to be really spicy drown haul so keep yourself in your hands and I’ll actually enjoy
      6. um tell me did you like my new TR hul and of course as always right uh which one is a favorite um bikini couple for you
      7. I think it’s going to be a really hard choice so let’s start and don’t forget to like my videos to motivate me to feel more uh comment subscribe my channel
      8. and of course um remember that they have the page there I post more videos content photos actually lots of interesting things that you just should to check
      9. um well thanks let’s start let’s kick off with this smes mikra bikini review the time up and andies are crafted from stretchy white mesh and I’m totally wiping with me
      10. bikinis so this to cut my eye the straps are pretty stretchy making it work for almost any size and I was not a fun of how easily uh they twist and are a pain to straighten the roll around the body but overall this set sits well and stays in place the back view is spicy you will see it soon
      11. rolling the magic behind this to set up um now please brace yourself for something special seriously get ready check out this little thing oh my
      12. just look at it I don’t know what it’s called but it looks wild it’s made of Fab brick like thi she tight but it’s surpris L th um figuring out how to put this on took a minute um Crossing strings at the back and tying them up top
      13. on its own it looks in the strange and you might not even get what is it um I would not call it the most label design it’s quite Mobile on the body but it looks fire if you won’t move too actively or just take a seat it won’t look the same way but it’s fine
      14. for Ping and some f sets I think digging the color I don’t have many red fins and this one definitely stands out by the way the material feels nice on the skin and the strin are super soft no skin cutting here sizing is a bit buzzling it’s not adjustable but it fits me and I’m [Music] glad I think I actually can show the back view here but believe me this is one of the best pictures ever I think I will share
      15. another editing of the video on my special page you know what I mean um so I hope you can enjoy at least this kind of you and you know I can even dance a bit I thought it will be harder in this um kind of very [Music] special


Hello, this is Nina, and I’m so pleased to see you finally here again. I am with good news this time. I was raging from my classes and I found a couple more bikinis that I bought a really long time ago, but I did not show them here. So, this is the perfect chance for filming a new video, I thought, and I did it.

Let me warn you that it’s going to be a really spicy try-on haul, so keep yourself in your hands and actually enjoy. Tell me, did you like my new try-on haul? And, of course, as always, write which one is a favorite bikini couple for you. I think it’s going to be a really hard choice, so let’s start.

Don’t forget to like my videos to motivate me to film more, comment, and subscribe to my channel. And, of course, remember that I have the page where I post more videos, content, and photos. Actually, lots of interesting things that you should check out. Well, thanks, let’s start.

Let’s kick off with this mesh micro bikini review. The top and panties are crafted from stretchy white mesh, and I’m totally vibing with these bikinis. So, this set caught my eye. The straps are pretty stretchy, making it work for almost any size.

I was not a fan of how easily they twist and are a pain to straighten around the body, but overall, this set sits well and stays in place. The back view is spicy; you will see it soon. Rolling the magic behind this setup, now please brace yourself for something special. Seriously, get ready.

Check out this little thing. Oh my, just look at it. I don’t know what it’s called, but it looks wild. It’s made of fabric like a tight fishnet, but it’s surprisingly thin. Figuring out how to put this on took a minute, crossing strings at the back and tying them up top.

On its own, it looks strange and you might not even get what it is. I would not call it the most stable design. It’s quite mobile on the body, but it looks fire if you don’t move too actively or just take a seat. It won’t look the same way, but it’s fine for posing and some photoshoots.

I think digging the color, I don’t have many red items, and this one definitely stands out. By the way, the material feels nice on the skin and the strings are super soft, no skin cutting here. Sizing is a bit puzzling, it’s not adjustable but it fits me, and I’m glad.

I think I actually can show the back view here, but believe me, this is one of the best pictures ever. I think I will share another edit of the video on my special page, you know what I mean. So, I hope you can enjoy at least this kind of view, and you know I can even dance a bit. I thought it would be harder in this kind of very special outfit.

And now, onto the next set. Basically, it’s all fun. It’s pink, even very daring to put on, and it sits a bit snugger. You’ll see the beads on the side adjust the fit, and the strings tie around the neck. The material is similar but feels more slippery to me.

Tiny fault, what about the color? The color is intense, think Barbie pink. There were a couple of moments while taking it off when I almost lost it, but these are still the wildest bikinis in my collection. So, what’s your favorite? And don’t forget my special page, where you can see more and support me. Catch you later, see you soon.











hello this is Nina and I’m so pleased to see you finally here again

  • 単語
    • hello: こんにちは
    • pleased: 嬉しい、喜んで
  • 句動詞
    • see you: あなたに会う
  • 慣用句
    • finally here again: 最終的にまたここにいる

I am with good news this time

  • 単語
    • news: ニュース、知らせ
  • 慣用句
    • with good news: 良いニュースを持っている

I was raging from my classes and I found couple more bikinis that I bought really long time ago

  • 単語
    • raging: 怒り狂う、熱心に取り組む(ここでは誤字で「rushing」=急いでいる の意味かもしれません)
    • couple: 数個、いくつか
    • bikinis: ビキニ(複数形)
  • 慣用句
    • really long time ago: 本当に長い間前に

but I did not show them here so this is the perfect chance for for filming a new video I thought and I did it

  • 単語
    • perfect: 完璧な
    • chance: 機会
  • 句動詞
    • show them: それらを見せる
  • 慣用句
    • filming a new video: 新しい動画を撮影する

and let me warn you that it’s going to be really spicy drown haul so keep yourself in your hands and I’ll actually enjoy

  • 単語
    • warn: 警告する
    • spicy: スパイシーな
  • 句動詞
    • let me warn you: 警告させてください
  • 慣用句
    • keep yourself in your hands: 自分を抑える(ここでは誤訳で、「注意深く見てね」の意味かもしれません)

um tell me did you like my new TR hul and of course as always right uh which one is a favorite um bikini couple for you

  • 単語
    • new: 新しい
    • favorite: お気に入り
  • 句動詞
    • tell me: 教えて
  • 慣用句
    • as always: いつものように

I think it’s going to be a really hard choice so let’s start and don’t forget to like my videos to motivate me to feel more uh comment subscribe my channel

  • 単語
    • hard: 難しい
    • choice: 選択
    • motivate: 動機付ける
  • 句動詞
    • don’t forget: 忘れないで
    • like my videos: 私の動画をいいねする
    • subscribe my channel: チャンネルを登録する
  • 慣用句
    • to feel more: もっと感じるために(ここでは誤訳で、「もっと動画を作るために」の意味かもしれません)

and of course um remember that they have the page there I post more videos content photos actually lots of interesting things that you just should to check

  • 単語
    • remember: 覚えておく
    • post: 投稿する
    • content: コンテンツ
    • photos: 写真(複数形)
  • 句動詞
    • have the page: ページを持っている
  • 慣用句
    • lots of interesting things: たくさんの興味深いこと

um well thanks let’s start let’s kick off with this smes mikra bikini review the time up and andies are crafted from stretchy white mesh and I’m totally wiping with me

  • 単語
    • thanks: ありがとう
    • kick off: 始める
    • review: レビュー
    • crafted: 作られた
    • stretchy: 伸縮性のある
    • mesh: メッシュ
  • 句動詞
    • let’s start: 始めましょう
    • kick off with: ~で始める

bikinis so this to cut my eye the straps are pretty stretchy making it work for almost any size and I was not a fun of how easily uh they twist and are a pain to straighten the roll around the body but overall this set sits well and stays in place the back view is spicy you will see it soon

  • 単語
    • straps: ストラップ(複数形)
    • stretchy: 伸縮性のある
    • size: サイズ
    • twist: ねじれる
    • pain: 痛み
    • straighten: まっすぐにする
    • overall: 全体として
    • set: セット
    • sits well: よくフィットする
  • 句動詞
    • cut my eye: 目を引く(ここでは誤訳で、「目に留まった」の意味かもしれません)
    • stays in place: その場に留まる

rolling the magic behind this to set up um now please brace yourself for something special seriously get ready check out this little thing oh my

  • 単語
    • magic: 魔法
    • brace yourself: 覚悟する
    • special: 特別な
    • seriously: 真剣に
  • 句動詞
    • get ready: 準備する
    • check out: 見てみる

just look at it I don’t know what it’s called but it looks wild it’s made of Fab brick like thi she tight but it’s surpris L th um figuring out how to put this on took a minute um Crossing strings at the back and tying them up top

  • 単語
    • wild: ワイルドな
    • figuring out: 見つける、理解する
    • strings: ストリング(複数形)
    • tying: 結ぶこと
  • 句動詞
    • look at it: それを見て
    • figuring out: 見つける
    • tying them up: 結び上げる

on its own it looks in the strange and you might not even get what is it um I would not call it the most label design it’s quite Mobile on the body but it looks fire if you won’t move too actively or just take a seat it won’t look the same way but it’s fine

  • 単語
    • strange: 奇妙な
    • label: ラベル、ブランド
    • mobile: 動きやすい
    • actively: 活動的に
  • 句動詞
    • get what is it: 何であるかを理解する
    • won’t move: 動かない

for Ping and some f sets I think digging the color I don’t have many red fins and this one definitely stands out by the way the material feels nice on the skin and the strin are super soft no skin cutting here sizing is a bit buzzling it’s not adjustable but it fits me and I’m [Music] glad I think I actually can show the back view here but believe me this is one of the best pictures ever I think I will share

  • 単語
    • sets: セット(複数形)
    • digging: 掘り下げる(ここでは「色が好き」の意味)
    • material: 素材
    • skin: 皮膚
    • soft: 柔らかい
    • sizing: サイズ調整
    • adjustable: 調整可能な
  • 句動詞
    • stands out: 目立つ
    • feels nice: 気持ち良い
    • cutting here: ここでは切れない
    • fits me: 私に合う
    • show the back view: 後ろ姿を見せる
    • share: 共有する

another editing of the video on my special page you know what I mean um so I hope you can enjoy at least this kind of you and you know I can even dance a bit I thought it will be harder in this um kind of very [Music] special

  • 単語
    • another: もう一つの
    • editing: 編集
    • special: 特別な
    • enjoy: 楽しむ

